Thank you for all the feedback you’ve given me about my posts.  You let me know that I’m not just writing to myself.

Thank you for all the links to interesting articles you send me.  You help keep me informed and give me great ideas for posts.

Thank you for praising Jaymes, our receptionist, Nancy, our medical assistant, and Angela, our biller, when they help you.  They’re very good at what they do and I couldn’t do what I do without them.

Thank you for understanding my unusual practice model.  It has no initials; it has nothing to do with IPAs or PPOs or HMOs.  I still don’t really know what to call it, but I’m confident you’ll settle on a name eventually.

Thank you for referring your colleagues and loved ones to me.  In a year with a scary economy, in a state with over 10% unemployment, my practice has continued to grow.  I can’t express how much your loyalty and support mean to me.

As is my annual tradition, I hereby rescind all of my patients’ dietary restrictions for one day.  May we all be surrounded by loved ones and count our abundant blessings.  Happy Thanksgiving!